Am Wasser
Von Beatrice Phillpotts (Ausschnitt) in Arts Review, Oktober 1989, anlässlich der Ausstellung in Guildford/England.
(Beatrice Phillpotts ist Schriftstellerin und Kulturjournalistin in Surrey, UK)
... The landscapes, seascapes and nudes on show were painted over the last seven years but there is no evidence of any slowing down, in fact the brushwork becomes more vigorous an expressionist as time moves on. In comparison with the most recent works, some of the earlier compositions seem almost static. The place quickens almost imperceptibly and the latest paintings have the inspired urgency and assurance of an artist who has suddenly found himself. If the energetic impasto carries more youthful overtones however, the content has a faintly old-fashioned air. The way in which Perraudin's landscapes are refined into a few basic elements which reappear, differently ordered, in separate paintings gives some of the work the slightly feel of a de Chirico. The objective here however, is not surrealism but a means of expressing landscape moods most potently. In Perraudin's landscapes, the dramatic pops – a house, hill, or tree – are treated in more abstract terms as blocks of colour, juxtaposed artfully to lead the eye in. ...
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